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Want To Stay Healthy Over Christmas?

As we close out what has been a turbulent year for many there appears to be lots of people lacking in motivation as we go into the festive period, people dropping off their gym and health efforts earlier than ever, even more so than when we came out of the last ‘lockdown’. We tend to see it at this time of the year anyway but I think the health issues and state of the world as it is, is still rumbling on and it is exacerbated this year.

Let’s start by talking motivation.

Motivation is fleeting, it isn’t something that can be relied upon to achieve your goals - we see it every year when January rolls around. We feel super motivated to achieve what we meant to achieve all of last year, then a couple of weeks in when it’s cold and everyone is feeling a little flat we start to miss those training sessions, partake in a few too many nutrient void ‘treats’ or not undertake the tasks that we need to do in order to progress in any area that we have goals, be that health, fitness, careers, anything.

So, what can we do about it? How can we keep that momentum over the next couple of weeks to keep moving well even when it feels tough?

  • Don’t put too much pressure on yourself - moving a little is better than not at all. On days that you had originally planned to train, if you simply cannot face going ‘hard’ then just moving at a lower intensity is better than nothing. If your energy isn’t great then going a little slower is far more optimal for longevity than getting some sort of ‘guilt’ session in because you feel that you HAVE to. Just walk? Move often, move well, recognise when you need to slow down. Work with your body, work with your energy.

  • Just start - commit to a 5 minute warm up, that’s all. You’ll likely find that once you’ve warmed up it makes sense to just get the rest of the session done.

  • Remember that you can’t wait around for motivation - just get it done, you know how much better you will feel for it afterwards. You will only make yourself feel more guilty and increase those funky feelings if you sit around. It WILL change your mood, that dopamine and endorphin release will come!

  • Give yourself a little reward if you get it done - I’m not talking eating an entire selection box here, even just telling yourself that once you’re done you’re going to sit for 10 with a coffee in your favourite mug could be enough.

  • Just think about how proud you will feel when you are done - you got it done and put in your best effort when others didn’t.

  • Rest and relax when you need to!! Your body might be telling you that it is ready to rest and that is okay - know how to differentiate this from being lazy and giving yourself an excuse though.

  • Get it done first thing in the morning - it’s out the way then and you won’t find yourself 3 mulled wines deep with a session still to do.

  • Remember you don’t need long to get a good workout - we have all done sessions in the gym less than 10 minutes long and felt like we need a week to recover!

  • Sleep well, hydrate well and eat well around enjoying the more indulgent times at this time of year!

Above all know that this is a very short period of time in life, it is there to be enjoyed, in years to come you won’t remember how great that 6am session was on Boxing Day - what you will remember is the gorgeous people you spent Christmas with, how wonderful Mum’s first attempt at a Christmas cake was and the snuggle up on the sofa all night spending the most quality of time with the people you love the most.

Have the happiest Christmas and may 2021 be your best year yet.

Peace and love, always. A x

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